roll - Rolling and Expanding Statistics

Fast and efficient computation of rolling and expanding statistics for time-series data.

Last updated 3 days ago


113 stars 5.03 score 3 dependencies 12 dependents

rolloptim - Rolling Optimizations

Analytical computation of rolling optimizations for time-series data.

Last updated 4 months ago


5 stars 1.45 score 3 dependencies

rollshap - Rolling Shapley Values

Analytical computation of rolling Shapley values for time-series data.

Last updated 4 months ago


4 stars 1.16 score 4 dependencies

rolleda - Rolling Exploratory Data Analysis

Web application for rolling exploratory data analysis of time-series data.

Last updated 3 months ago


3 stars 0.91 score 60 dependencies

rolltalk - Rolling and Expanding Statistics

Presentation for rolling and expanding statistics of time-series data.

Last updated 3 months ago


2 stars 0.71 score 57 dependencies